En este video comentamos sobre la bota de Biden, las declaraciones del Fiscal General William Barr, y muchos otros datos interesantes de las últimas 24 horas.
También comentamos al final un dato relacionado con la información de las reuniones del Presidente John F. Kennedy con el Presidente Sukarno de Indonesia a comienzos de la década de 1960.
+ counter-intel, or law-enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaigns + individuals associated with (Trump) administration including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane” + Special Counsel Mueller @ClareHymes22
— Catherine Herridge (@C__Herridge) December 1, 2020
“This number of invalid votes far exceeds the certified margin of victory”
A lawsuit requests #Georgia’s #ElectionResults be decertified until an investigation is completed into claims of #Ballots cast by non-residents and lax signature verification. https://t.co/HS0JkLgLA1
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) December 1, 2020
Who would’ve of ever thought that AZ would have a “Republican” Governor that within 24hrs would turn down a meeting with @RudyGiuliani then not take a phone call from @realDonaldTrump. Instead, he was in a rush to certify the election as his phone was ringing from the President.
— Josh Barnett-AZ (@BarnettforAZ) December 1, 2020
After watching the Michigan and Pennsylvania hearings and the Arizona testimony with evidence of massive voter fraud any official that certifies the results of the election is part of the coup and must be held accountable.
It’s simple.
— C3 (@C_3C_3) December 1, 2020
Hi CNN, have you met CNN? pic.twitter.com/WHYMsQpJLB
— Anang Mittal अनंग मित्तल (@anangbhai) December 1, 2020
OMG! A MI eyewitness was hired by Dominion to offer IT support. She was not allowed to wear a badge or identify herself. Samuel, a Dominion owner from Colorado disappeared for 3 hours- said he was at a warehouse in Detroit called "The Chicago Warehouse."
— Cari Kelemen (@KelemenCari) December 1, 2020
With all due respect it doesn’t matter what the DOJ says about fraud right now – the civil lawsuits will lead to criminal ones. Stay focused. PS- Durham is a Special Counsel.
— Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz) December 1, 2020
Section 230, which is a liability shielding gift from the U.S. to “Big Tech” (the only companies in America that have it – corporate welfare!), is a serious threat to our National Security & Election Integrity. Our Country can never be safe & secure if we allow it to stand…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2020
#Election2020results From a DOJ spokesperson: “Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election. That is not what the Associated Press reported nor
— Catherine Herridge (@C__Herridge) December 2, 2020
I think we are about to see a LOT OF JUSTICE if Alliance scuttlebutt is true. Late 2020 and early 2021 could lead to a lot of indictments. We should focus our mass meditations on collective Justice. CG
— Corey Goode (Official) (@CoreyGoode) December 1, 2020
Gracias Divulgación Total. Saludos desde México.
Fue una infeliz declaración. Mire por donde se mire, la declaración del FG Barr es contraproducente y ayuda a complicar y tergiversar la situación real. A podido limitarse a declarar estamos en proceso de investigación de lo ocurrido.
Gracias Ileana&Fer muy buena la información. Que curioso ese último dato de la reunión privada con las autoridades de Indonesia esa línea del tiempo que nos lleva a JFK
Hola, muchas gracias!!
Pero no veo el vídeo, dónde está?
Estimado Fer; gracias por tu esfuerzo para informarnos. Esta web tiene información muy interesante sobre el oro de Indonesia; desde Sukarno / Kennedy hasta le situación actual de ese oro. Saludos
Rumble NO GOOD. Can not see. It does not run.
Anywaay, thank you, Ileana and Fer, for your information.
Al leer las declaraciones de Wlliam Barr no se que tratan de hacer, pero esto no se acaba hasta que se acaba
Ahoran ya no hablan de Qanon….. porque? porque desaparecio?
Despierten gente, Trump no va a salvar a nadie….. las vacunas son la clave de todo, y vienen ya…….